eyeCard with black quality leather cord with Sterling silver details. Handmade in Sweden.
eyeCard Pocket Readers.®️
Your handiest reading glasses – no bigger than a credit card.
With a 2.5-fold magnification. Practical at home and on the road. Allows you to work with both hands. Medium strength that suits all those who have +1.00 to + 4.50. It´s only to correct the distance to the text or object like a magnifying glass for quick reading and easy to share with friends.
Now you can finally read the small print even when you’re out and about. This eyeCard® measures a flat 2mm and weighs a mere 5g so you’ll be able to carry it with you in your wallet or purse. Just clamp it to your nose to see the tiny writing on tickets, timetables, leaflets ... with a clear and distortion-free 2.5-fold magnification. Flexible nose section prevents the eyeCard® from slipping.
Both hands free: Also ideal to do handiwork and fiddly jobs.
You won’t have to continuously interrupt your work like you would with handheld magnifying glasses. Also great if you already wear specs. Made from shatterproof plastic. Measures 85 x 50 x 2mm (3 1⁄3" x 2" x 1⁄10"). Clear with turquoise plastic case and blue, yellow, pink with clear/white plastic case.